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2007 Garden Updates

Miscellaneous Additions/Updates for 2007

Spring 2007 Updates!

As of 06/04/07... Here are some more "random" shots (I just love random!!!). A lot of the 'earlier' pictures are from spring (Apr-May) so things still look a bit 'ratty!' But chores are underway and plant-growth is happening. I'm confident things will improve!!!

Note: I'm trying to make this page a little more "screen-size-friendly" so the images are pretty small. Click on the pics to link to a full-sized image...

Tiki Bar Make-over: Got a new "real" thatch top and some grass-matting on the face

Underside of new palapa

New Tiki Fountain. This was originally a plastic statue I picked up at the drugstore. I drilled a hole in him and rigged him to a pump. He's not completely finished yet, but I like how it's working so far!

He looks really cool at night!!!

Ku Tiki - This is one of my ceramic sculptures

The boug's finally died (last winter was pretty rough). So the pergola got a full-on Tiki Make-over (Is there a "theme" here, I wonder???). Actually boug + pergola/walkway was a bad idea (Nasty thorns!). Now they've been replaced with Morning Glory vines, which have grown significantly in the past month...

07/28/07 - Updated picture of Tiki Garden Entry with new Morning Glory Vines (replacing the now-dead Bougainvillas)...

07/28/07 - My "Experiment" with an inverted (aka "Tortured!") tomato... So far, so good!
Other than the Greenhouse, I think the Tiki Garden Entry ---> the Coolest Thing I added to the yard this year! Picture taken Aug '07. The Morning Glory *is* quite "vigorous," but here, it's a Good Thing!


Visitors since 06/04/07